Welcome to the California Association of L.P.S. Hearing Officers website. Our association is composed of attorneys, LCSWs, LMFTs, psychologists, nurses and retired judges. Please take a look around our site to learn about our mission, our officers, our members, and our annual conference.
The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF L.P.S. HEARING OFFICERS (CALPSHO) is a professional association dedicated to the support and ongoing education of hearing officers, who conduct Certification Review Hearings and/or Capacity (Riese) Hearings in the State of California. CALPSHO offers the only statewide in-service training and professional interaction available to hearing officers.
Mission Statement
The specific and primary purpose of The CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF L.P.S. HEARING OFFICERS is: To strive to improve the quality of mental health hearings in the state of California through education of its members and through the legislative process. In furtherance of this purpose, CALPSHO:

Exchanges information among members regarding the form, structure and procedures of hearings throughout the state

Shares information related to mental health law, various methods of conducting hearings and innovations in the field

Comments as appropriate on developments in the field, including legislation, takes and promotes a position on issues relevant to mental health hearings
Members include hearing officers who are attorneys, LCSWs, LMFTs, psychologists, nurses and retired judges.
If you are interested in becoming a member,
Click below to complete the application form.
For Employment Opportunities,
Mental Health Hearing Officer for Santa Clara County